

Simple net for playing Atari games using PPO.

trax.models.atari_cnn.AtariCnn(n_frames=4, hidden_sizes=(32, 32), output_size=128, mode='train')

An Atari CNN.

trax.models.atari_cnn.AtariCnnBody(n_frames=4, hidden_sizes=(32, 64, 64), output_size=512, mode='train', kernel_initializer=None, padding='VALID')

An Atari CNN.

trax.models.atari_cnn.FrameStackMLP(n_frames=4, hidden_sizes=(64, ), output_size=64, mode='train')

MLP operating on a fixed number of last frames.


mlp – functions that assemble “multilayer perceptron” networks.

trax.models.mlp.MLP(layer_widths=(128, 64), activation_fn=<function Relu>, out_activation=False, flatten=True, mode='train')

A “multilayer perceptron” (MLP) network.

This is a classic fully connected feedforward network, with one or more layers and a (nonlinear) activation function between each layer. For historical reasons, such networks are often called multilayer perceptrons; but they are more accurately described as multilayer networks, where each layer + activation function is a perceptron-like unit (see, e.g., []).

  • layer_widths – Tuple of ints telling the number of layers and the width of each layer. For example, setting layer_widths=(128, 64, 32) would yield 3 layers with successive widths of 128, 64, and 32.
  • activation_fn – Type of activation function between pairs of fully connected layers; must be an activation-type subclass of Layer.
  • out_activation – If True, include a copy of the activation function as the last layer in the network.
  • flatten – If True, insert a layer at the head of the network to flatten the input tensor into a matrix of shape (batch_size. -1).
  • mode – Ignored.

An assembled MLP network with the specified layers. This network can either be initialized and trained as a full model, or can be used as a building block in a larger network.


Implementation of the improved Neural GPU (NGPU).

trax.models.neural_gpu.SaturationCost(x, limit=0.9)

Split channels in 3 parts. Shifts 1st and 3rd sections to left/right.

trax.models.neural_gpu.ConvDiagonalGRU(units, kernel_size=(3, 3))

Build convolutional GRU with diagonal gating as in ImprovedNGPU.

trax.models.neural_gpu.NeuralGPU(d_feature=96, steps=16, vocab_size=2, mode='train')

Implementation of Neural GPU:

  • d_feature – Number of memory channels (dimensionality of feature embedding).
  • steps – Number of times depthwise recurrence steps.
  • vocab_size – Vocabulary size.
  • mode – Whether we are training or evaluating or doing inference.

A NeuralGPU Stax model.



trax.models.resnet.ConvBlock(kernel_size, filters, strides, norm, non_linearity, mode='train')

ResNet convolutional striding block.

trax.models.resnet.IdentityBlock(kernel_size, filters, norm, non_linearity, mode='train')

ResNet identical size block.

trax.models.resnet.Resnet50(d_hidden=64, n_output_classes=1001, mode='train', norm=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, non_linearity=<function Relu>)


  • d_hidden – Dimensionality of the first hidden layer (multiplied later).
  • n_output_classes – Number of distinct output classes.
  • mode – Whether we are training or evaluating or doing inference.
  • normLayer used for normalization, Ex: BatchNorm or FilterResponseNorm.
  • non_linearityLayer used as a non-linearity, Ex: If norm is BatchNorm then this is a Relu, otherwise for FilterResponseNorm this should be ThresholdedLinearUnit.

The list of layers comprising a ResNet model with the given parameters.

trax.models.resnet.WideResnetBlock(channels, strides=(1, 1), bn_momentum=0.9, mode='train')

WideResnet convolutional block.

trax.models.resnet.WideResnetGroup(n, channels, strides=(1, 1), bn_momentum=0.9, mode='train')
trax.models.resnet.WideResnet(n_blocks=3, widen_factor=1, n_output_classes=10, bn_momentum=0.9, mode='train')

WideResnet from

  • n_blocks – int, number of blocks in a group. total layers = 6n + 4.
  • widen_factor – int, widening factor of each group. k=1 is vanilla resnet.
  • n_output_classes – int, number of distinct output classes.
  • bn_momentum – float, momentum in BatchNorm.
  • mode – Whether we are training or evaluating or doing inference.

The list of layers comprising a WideResnet model with the given parameters.


Policy networks.

trax.models.rl.Policy(policy_distribution, body=None, normalizer=None, head_init_range=None, batch_axes=None, mode='train')

Attaches a policy head to a model body.

trax.models.rl.Value(body=None, normalizer=None, inject_actions=False, inject_actions_n_layers=1, inject_actions_dim=64, batch_axes=None, mode='train', is_discrete=False, vocab_size=2, multiplicative_action_injection=False, head_init_range=None)

Attaches a value head to a model body.

trax.models.rl.PolicyAndValue(policy_distribution, body=None, policy_top=<function Policy>, value_top=<function Value>, normalizer=None, joint=True, mode='train')

Attaches policy and value heads to a model body.

trax.models.rl.Quality(body=None, normalizer=None, batch_axes=None, mode='train', n_actions=2, head_init_range=None)

The network takes as input an observation and outputs values of actions.


RNNs (recursive neural networks).

trax.models.rnn.RNNLM(vocab_size, d_model=512, n_layers=2, rnn_cell=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, rnn_cell_d_state_multiplier=2, dropout=0.1, mode='train')

Returns an RNN language model.

This model performs autoregressive language modeling:

  • input: rank 2 tensor representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length). The tensor elements are integers in range(vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
  • output: rank 3 tensor representing a batch of log-probability distributions for each sequence position over possible token IDs; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size).
  • vocab_size – Input vocabulary size – each element of the input tensor should be an integer in range(vocab_size). These integers typically represent token IDs from a vocabulary-based tokenizer.
  • d_model – Embedding depth throughout the model.
  • n_layers – Number of RNN layers.
  • rnn_cell – Type of RNN cell; must be a subclass of Layer.
  • rnn_cell_d_state_multiplier – Multiplier for feature depth of RNN cell state.
  • dropout – Stochastic rate (probability) for dropping an activation value when applying dropout.
  • mode – If ‘predict’, use fast inference; if ‘train’ apply dropout.

An RNN language model as a layer that maps from a tensor of tokens to activations over a vocab set.

trax.models.rnn.GRULM(vocab_size=256, d_model=512, n_layers=1, mode='train')

Returns a GRU (gated recurrent unit) language model.

This model performs autoregressive language modeling:

  • input: rank 2 tensor representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length). The tensor elements are integers in range(vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
  • output: rank 3 tensor representing a batch of log-probability distributions for each sequence position over possible token IDs; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size).
  • vocab_size – Input vocabulary size – each element of the input tensor should be an integer in range(vocab_size). These integers typically represent token IDs from a vocabulary-based tokenizer.
  • d_model – Embedding depth throughout the model.
  • n_layers – Number of GRU layers.
  • mode – If ‘predict’, use fast inference (and omit the right shift).

A GRU language model as a layer that maps from a tensor of tokens to activations over a vocab set.

trax.models.rnn.LSTMSeq2SeqAttn(input_vocab_size=256, target_vocab_size=256, d_model=512, n_encoder_layers=2, n_decoder_layers=2, n_attention_heads=1, attention_dropout=0.0, mode='train')

Returns an LSTM sequence-to-sequence model with attention.

This model is an encoder-decoder that performs tokenized string-to-string (“source”-to-“target”) transduction:

  • inputs (2):

    • source: rank 2 tensor representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length). The tensor elements are integers in range(input_vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
    • target: rank 2 tensor representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length). The tensor elements are integers in range(output_vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
  • output: rank 3 tensor representing a batch of log-probability distributions for each sequence position over possible token IDs; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size).

An example use would be to translate (tokenized) sentences from English to German.

The model works as follows:

  • Input encoder runs on the input tokens and creates activations that are used as both keys and values in attention.
  • Pre-attention decoder runs on the targets and creates activations that are used as queries in attention.
  • Attention runs on the queries, keys and values masking out input padding.
  • Decoder runs on the result, followed by a cross-entropy loss.
  • input_vocab_size – Input vocabulary size – each element of the input tensor should be an integer in range(vocab_size). These integers typically represent token IDs from a vocabulary-based tokenizer.
  • target_vocab_size – Target vocabulary size.
  • d_model – Final dimension of tensors at most points in the model, including the initial embedding output.
  • n_encoder_layers – Number of LSTM layers in the encoder.
  • n_decoder_layers – Number of LSTM layers in the decoder after attention.
  • n_attention_heads – Number of attention heads.
  • attention_dropout – Stochastic rate (probability) for dropping an activation value when applying dropout within an attention block.
  • mode – If ‘predict’, use fast inference. If ‘train’, each attention block will include dropout; else, it will pass all values through unaltered.

An LSTM sequence-to-sequence model as a layer that maps from a source-target tokenized text pair to activations over a vocab set.


Transformer models: encoder, decoder, language model, and encoder-decoder.

The “Transformer” name and network architecture were introduced in the paper [Attention Is All You Need](

trax.models.transformer.TransformerEncoder(vocab_size, n_classes=10, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, max_len=2048, dropout=0.1, dropout_shared_axes=None, mode='train', ff_activation=<function Relu>)

Returns a Transformer encoder suitable for N-way classification.

This model maps tokenized text to N-way (n_classes) activations:

  • input: Array representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length), where sequence_length <= max_len. Array elements are integers in range(vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
  • output: Array representing a batch of raw (non-normalized) activations over n_classes categories; shape is (batch_size, n_classes).
  • vocab_size – Input vocabulary size – each element of the input array should be an integer in range(vocab_size). These integers typically represent token IDs from a vocabulary-based tokenizer.
  • n_classes – Last/innermost dimension of output arrays, suitable for N-way classification.
  • d_model – Last/innermost dimension of activation arrays at most points in the model, including the initial embedding output.
  • d_ff – Last/innermost dimension of special (typically wider) Dense layer in the feedforward part of each encoder block.
  • n_layers – Number of encoder blocks. Each block includes attention, dropout, residual, layer-norm, feedforward (Dense), and activation layers.
  • n_heads – Number of attention heads.
  • max_len – Maximum symbol length for positional encoding.
  • dropout – Stochastic rate (probability) for dropping an activation value when applying dropout within encoder blocks. The same rate is also used for attention dropout in encoder blocks.
  • dropout_shared_axes – Tensor axes on which to share a dropout mask. Sharing along batch and sequence axes (dropout_shared_axes=(0,1)) is a useful way to save memory and apply consistent masks to activation vectors at different sequence positions.
  • mode – If 'train', each encoder block will include dropout; else, it will pass all values through unaltered.
  • ff_activation – Type of activation function at the end of each encoder block; must be an activation-type subclass of Layer.

A Transformer model that maps strings (conveyed by token IDs) to raw (non-normalized) activations over a range of output classes.

trax.models.transformer.TransformerDecoder(vocab_size=None, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, max_len=2048, dropout=0.1, dropout_shared_axes=None, mode='train', ff_activation=<function Relu>)

Returns a Transformer decoder.

This model maps sequential inputs to sequential outputs:

  • input if vocab_size is specified: array representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length). The tensor elements are integers in range(vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
  • input if vocab_size is None: 3-D array representing a batch of sequences of activation vectors; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length, d_model).
  • output: 3-D array with shape (batch_size, sequence_length, d_model).

The model uses causal attention and does not shift the input to the right. Thus, the output for position t is based on inputs up to and including position t.

  • vocab_size – If specified, gives the input vocabulary size – each element of the input tensor should be an integer in range(vocab_size). If None, indicates that the model expects as input sequences of floating point vectors, each with d_model components.
  • d_model – Last/innermost dimension of activation arrays at most points in the model, including the initial embedding output.
  • d_ff – Last/innermost dimension of special (typically wider) Dense layer in the feedforward part of each encoder block.
  • n_layers – Number of decoder blocks. Each block includes attention, dropout, residual, layer-norm, feedforward (Dense), and activation layers.
  • n_heads – Number of attention heads.
  • max_len – Maximum symbol length for positional encoding.
  • dropout – Stochastic rate (probability) for dropping an activation value when applying dropout within decoder blocks. The same rate is also used for attention dropout in decoder blocks.
  • dropout_shared_axes – Tensor axes on which to share a dropout mask. Sharing along batch and sequence axes (dropout_shared_axes=(0,1)) is a useful way to save memory and apply consistent masks to activation vectors at different sequence positions.
  • mode – If 'train', each encoder block will include dropout; else, it will pass all values through unaltered.
  • ff_activation – Type of activation function at the end of each encoder block; must be an activation-type subclass of Layer.

a Transformer model that maps strings (conveyed by token IDs) to sequences of activation vectors.

If vocab_size is None: a Transformer model that maps sequences of activation vectors to sequences of activation vectors.

Return type:

If vocab_size is defined

trax.models.transformer.TransformerLM(vocab_size, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, max_len=2048, dropout=0.1, dropout_shared_axes=None, mode='train', ff_activation=<function Relu>)

Returns a Transformer language model.

This model performs autoregressive language modeling:

  • input: Array representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length). Array elements are integers in range(vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
  • output: 3-D array of raw activations with last/innermost dimension of vocab_size, suitable for decoding into a batch of token strings; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size).

This model uses only the decoder part of the overall Transformer.

  • vocab_size – Input vocabulary size – each element of the input array should be an integer in range(vocab_size). These integers typically represent token IDs from a vocabulary-based tokenizer.
  • d_model – Last/innermost dimension of activation arrays at most points in the model, including the initial embedding output.
  • d_ff – Last/innermost dimension of special (typically wider) Dense layer in the feedforward part of each encoder block.
  • n_layers – Number of decoder blocks. Each block includes attention, dropout, residual, layer-norm, feedforward (Dense), and activation layers.
  • n_heads – Number of attention heads.
  • max_len – Maximum symbol length for positional encoding.
  • dropout – Stochastic rate (probability) for dropping an activation value when applying dropout within decoder blocks. The same rate is also used for attention dropout in decoder blocks.
  • dropout_shared_axes – Tensor axes on which to share a dropout mask. Sharing along batch and sequence axes (dropout_shared_axes=(0,1)) is a useful way to save memory and apply consistent masks to activation vectors at different sequence positions.
  • mode – If 'predict', use fast inference. If 'train', each decoder block will include dropout; else, it will pass all values through unaltered.
  • ff_activation – Type of activation function at the end of each encoder block; must be an activation-type subclass of Layer.

A Transformer language model that maps strings (represented as token ID sequences) to sequences of raw (non-normalized) activation vectors; each vector in the sequence can be mapped (e.g., by argmax) to a token ID.

trax.models.transformer.Transformer(input_vocab_size, output_vocab_size=None, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_encoder_layers=6, n_decoder_layers=6, n_heads=8, max_len=2048, dropout=0.1, dropout_shared_axes=None, mode='train', ff_activation=<function Relu>)

Returns a full Transformer model.

This model is an encoder-decoder that performs tokenized string-to-string (“source”-to-“target”) transduction:

  • inputs (2):

    • source: Array representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length), where sequence_length <= max_len. Array elements are integers in range(input_vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
    • target: Array representing a batch of text strings via token IDs plus padding markers; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length), where sequence_length <= max_len. Array elements are integers in range(output_vocab_size), and 0 values mark padding positions.
  • output: 3-D array of raw activations with last/innermost dimension of output_vocab_size, suitable for decoding into a batch of token strings; shape is (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size).

An example use would be to translate (tokenized) sentences from English to German.

  • input_vocab_size – Input vocabulary size – each element of the input tensor should be an integer in range(vocab_size). These integers typically represent token IDs from a vocabulary-based tokenizer.
  • output_vocab_size – If specified, gives the vocabulary size for the targets; if None, then input and target integers (token IDs) are assumed to come from the same vocabulary.
  • d_model – Last/innermost dimension of activation arrays at most points in the model, including the initial embedding output.
  • d_ff – Last/innermost dimension of special (typically wider) Dense layer in the feedforward part of each encoder block.
  • n_encoder_layers – Number of encoder blocks.
  • n_decoder_layers – Number of decoder blocks.
  • n_heads – Number of attention heads.
  • max_len – Maximum symbol length for positional encoding.
  • dropout – Stochastic rate (probability) for dropping an activation value when applying dropout within encoder/decoder blocks. The same rate is also used for attention dropout in encoder/decoder blocks.
  • dropout_shared_axes – Tensor axes on which to share a dropout mask. Sharing along batch and sequence axes (dropout_shared_axes=(0,1)) is a useful way to save memory and apply consistent masks to activation vectors at different sequence positions.
  • mode – If 'predict', use fast inference. If 'train', each encoder/decoder block will include dropout; else, it will pass all values through unaltered.
  • ff_activation – Type of activation function at the end of each encoder/decoder block; must be an activation-type subclass of Layer.

A Transformer model as a layer that maps from a source-target tokenized text pair to activations over a vocab set.


Reformer Models.

trax.models.reformer.reformer.DecoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, d_attention_key, d_attention_value, n_heads, attention_type, dropout, ff_activation, ff_dropout, ff_use_sru, ff_chunk_size, ff_sparsity, attention_chunk_size, n_attention_layers=1, n_feedforward_layers=1, center_layernorm=True, use_bfloat16=False, mode='train')

Reversible transformer decoder layer.

  • d_model – int: depth of embedding
  • d_ff – int: depth of feed-forward layer
  • d_attention_key – int: depth of key vector for each attention head
  • d_attention_value – int: depth of value vector for each attention head
  • n_heads – int: number of attention heads
  • attention_type – subclass of tl.BaseCausalAttention: attention class to use
  • dropout – float: dropout rate (how much to drop out)
  • ff_activation – the non-linearity in feed-forward layer
  • ff_dropout – the dropout rate in feed-forward layer
  • ff_use_sru – int; if > 0, we use this many SRU layers instead of feed-forward
  • ff_chunk_size – int; if > 0, chunk feed-forward into this-sized chunks
  • ff_sparsity – int, if > 0 use sparse feed-forward block with this sparsity
  • attention_chunk_size – int, if > 0 run attention chunked at this size
  • n_attention_layers – how many residual causal attention layers should we have before the feed-forward block (default: 1, the standard block)
  • n_feedforward_layers – how many FFNN layers should we have (default 1).
  • center_layernorm – whether to use centering in LayerNorm (default) or if to skip it, which is known as RMS normalization.
  • use_bfloat16 – whether to use bfloat16 for weights (default: False).
  • mode – str: ‘train’ or ‘eval’

the layer.

trax.models.reformer.reformer.ReformerLM(vocab_size, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, d_attention_key=64, d_attention_value=64, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, dropout=0.1, max_len=2048, attention_type=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, pos_type=None, pos_axial_shape=(), pos_d_axial_embs=None, pos_start_from_zero_prob=1.0, pos_max_offset_to_add=0, ff_activation=<function FastGelu>, ff_use_sru=0, ff_chunk_size=0, ff_sparsity=0, loss_sparsity_type='mult', loss_sparsity=0, loss_d_lowrank=0, loss_sparsity_prob=None, attention_chunk_size=0, mode='train')

Reversible transformer language model (only uses a decoder, no encoder).

  • vocab_size – int: vocab size
  • d_model – int: depth of each half of the two-part features
  • d_ff – int: depth of feed-forward layer
  • d_attention_key – int: depth of key vector for each attention head
  • d_attention_value – int: depth of value vector for each attention head
  • n_layers – int: number of decoder layers
  • n_heads – int: number of attention heads
  • dropout – float: dropout rate (how much to drop out)
  • max_len – int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding
  • attention_type – class: attention class to use, such as SelfAttention.
  • pos_type – string, the type of positional embeddings to use.
  • pos_axial_shape – tuple of ints: input shape to use for the axial position encoding. If unset, axial position encoding is disabled.
  • pos_d_axial_embs – tuple of ints: depth of position embedding for each axis. Tuple length must match pos_axial_shape, and values must sum to d_model.
  • pos_start_from_zero_prob – how often to start from 0 during training, (if 1.0, we always start from position 0, if less, we randomize).
  • pos_max_offset_to_add – maximum offset to add to positions during training when randomizing; this offset plus input length must still be less than max_len for all training examples.
  • ff_activation – the non-linearity in feed-forward layer
  • ff_use_sru – int; if > 0, we use this many SRU layers instead of feed-forward
  • ff_chunk_size – int; if > 0, chunk feed-forward into this-sized chunks
  • ff_sparsity – int, if > 0 use sparse feed-forward block with this sparsity
  • loss_sparsity_type – str, type of sparsity to used in loss layer. See SparseDenseWithOptions for options. None if no sparsity should be used.
  • loss_sparsity – int, the sparsity for loss layer (if used)
  • loss_d_lowrank – int, the dimensions for intermediate layer (if used)
  • loss_sparsity_prob – float, the probability for sparse version of loss to be used. If None, only sparse version is used.
  • attention_chunk_size – int, if > 0 run attention chunked at this size
  • mode – str: ‘train’, ‘eval’, or ‘predict’

the layer.

trax.models.reformer.reformer.ReformerShortenLM(vocab_size, shorten_factor=1, d_embedding=256, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, d_attention_key=64, d_attention_value=64, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, dropout=0.1, max_len=2048, attention_type=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, pos_type=None, pos_axial_shape=(), pos_d_axial_embs=None, ff_activation=<function FastGelu>, ff_use_sru=0, ff_chunk_size=0, ff_sparsity=0, attention_chunk_size=0, mode='train')

Reversible transformer language model with shortening.

When shorten_factor is F and processing an input of shape [batch, length], we embed the (shifted-right) input and then group each F elements (on length) into a single vector – so that in the end we process a tensor of shape

[batch, length // F, d_model]

almost until the end – at the end it’s un-shortend and a SRU is applied. This reduces the length processed inside the main model body, effectively making the model faster but possibly slightly less accurate.

  • vocab_size – int: vocab size
  • shorten_factor – by how much to shorten, see above
  • d_embedding – the depth of the embedding layer and final logits
  • d_model – int: depth of each half of the two-part features
  • d_ff – int: depth of feed-forward layer
  • d_attention_key – int: depth of key vector for each attention head
  • d_attention_value – int: depth of value vector for each attention head
  • n_layers – int: number of decoder layers
  • n_heads – int: number of attention heads
  • dropout – float: dropout rate (how much to drop out)
  • max_len – int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding
  • attention_type – class: attention class to use, such as SelfAttention.
  • pos_type – string, the type of positional embeddings to use.
  • pos_axial_shape – tuple of ints: input shape to use for the axial position encoding. If unset, axial position encoding is disabled.
  • pos_d_axial_embs – tuple of ints: depth of position embedding for each axis. Tuple length must match pos_axial_shape, values must sum to d_embedding.
  • ff_activation – the non-linearity in feed-forward layer
  • ff_use_sru – int; if > 0, we use this many SRU layers instead of feed-forward
  • ff_chunk_size – int; if > 0, chunk feed-forward into this-sized chunks
  • ff_sparsity – int, if > 0 use sparse feed-forward block with this sparsity
  • attention_chunk_size – int, if > 0 run attention chunked at this size
  • mode – str: ‘train’ or ‘eval’

the layer.

trax.models.reformer.reformer.EncoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, attention_type, dropout, ff_activation, ff_dropout, ff_use_sru=0, ff_chunk_size=0, ff_sparsity=0, attention_chunk_size=0, center_layernorm=True, use_bfloat16=False, use_two_swaps_per_block=True, mode='train')

Returns a list of layers that implements a Reformer encoder block.

The input to the layer is a pair, (activations, mask), where the mask was created from the original source tokens to prevent attending to the padding part of the input.

  • d_model – int: depth of embedding
  • d_ff – int: depth of feed-forward layer
  • n_heads – int: number of attention heads
  • attention_type – subclass of tl.BaseCausalAttention: attention class to use
  • dropout – float: dropout rate (how much to drop out)
  • ff_activation – the non-linearity in feed-forward layer
  • ff_dropout – the dropout rate in feed-forward layer
  • ff_use_sru – int; if > 0, we use this many SRU layers instead of feed-forward
  • ff_chunk_size – int; if > 0, chunk feed-forward into this-sized chunks
  • ff_sparsity – int, if > 0 use sparse feed-forward block with this sparsity
  • attention_chunk_size – int, if > 0 run attention chunked at this size
  • center_layernorm – whether to use centering in LayerNorm (default) or if to skip it, which is known as RMS normalization.
  • use_bfloat16 – whether to use bfloat16 for weights (default: False)
  • use_two_swaps_per_block – bool, if True use two reversible swaps in Encoder block, otherwise use only one swap.
  • mode – str: ‘train’ or ‘eval’

A list of layers that maps (activations, mask) to (activations, mask).

trax.models.reformer.reformer.EncoderDecoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout, ff_activation, ff_dropout, mode, ff_use_sru=0, ff_chunk_size=0, ff_sparsity=0)

Reversible transformer decoder layer.

  • d_model – int: depth of embedding
  • d_ff – int: depth of feed-forward layer
  • n_heads – int: number of attention heads
  • dropout – float: dropout rate (how much to drop out)
  • ff_activation – the non-linearity in feed-forward layer
  • ff_dropout – float: (optional) separate dropout rate for feed-forward layer
  • mode – str: ‘train’ or ‘eval’
  • ff_use_sru – int; if > 0, we use this many SRU layers instead of feed-forward
  • ff_chunk_size – int; if > 0, chunk feed-forward into this-sized chunks
  • ff_sparsity – int, if > 0 use sparse feed-forward block with this sparsity

the layer.

trax.models.reformer.reformer.Reformer(input_vocab_size, output_vocab_size=None, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_encoder_layers=6, n_decoder_layers=6, n_heads=8, dropout=0.1, max_len=2048, ff_activation=<function Relu>, ff_dropout=None, mode='train', pos_type=None, pos_axial_shape=None, pos_d_axial_embs=None, ff_use_sru=0, ff_chunk_size=0, ff_sparsity=0)

Reversible transformer encoder-decoder model.

This model expects an input pair: target, source.

At the moment, this model supports dot-product attention only. For the attention types in the Reformer paper, see ReformerLM.

  • input_vocab_size – int: vocab size of the source.
  • output_vocab_size – int (optional): vocab size of the target. If None, the source and target are assumed to have the same vocab.
  • d_model – int: depth of embedding
  • d_ff – int: depth of feed-forward layer
  • n_encoder_layers – int: number of encoder layers
  • n_decoder_layers – int: number of decoder layers
  • n_heads – int: number of attention heads
  • dropout – float: dropout rate (how much to drop out)
  • max_len – int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding
  • ff_activation – the non-linearity in feed-forward layer
  • ff_dropout – float: (optional) separate dropout rate at feed-forward nonlinearity. This is called relu_dropout in T2T.
  • mode – str: ‘train’ or ‘eval’
  • pos_type – string, the type of positional embeddings to use.
  • pos_axial_shape – tuple of ints: input shape to use for the axial position encoding. If unset, axial position encoding is disabled.
  • pos_d_axial_embs – tuple of ints: depth of position embedding for each axis. Tuple length must match pos_axial_shape, and values must sum to d_model.
  • ff_use_sru – int; if > 0, we use this many SRU layers instead of feed-forward
  • ff_chunk_size – int; if > 0, chunk feed-forward into this-sized chunks
  • ff_sparsity – int, if > 0 use sparse feed-forward block with this sparsity

A Reformer model as a layer that maps from a target, source pair to activations over a vocab set.



class trax.models.research.bert.AddBias(n_in=1, n_out=1, name=None, sublayers_to_print=None)

Bases: trax.layers.base.Layer


Computes this layer’s output as part of a forward pass through the model.

A layer subclass overrides this method to define how the layer computes outputs from inputs. If the layer depends on weights, state, or randomness as part of the computation, the needed information can be accessed as properties of the layer object: self.weights, self.state, and self.rng. (See numerous examples in trax.layers.core.)

Parameters:inputs – Zero or more input tensors, packaged as described in the Layer class docstring.
Returns:Zero or more output tensors, packaged as described in the Layer class docstring.

Initializes weights and state, to handle input with the given signature.

A layer subclass must override this method if the layer uses weights or state. To initialize weights, set self.weights to desired (typically random) values. To initialize state (uncommon), set self.state to desired starting values.

Parameters:input_signature – A ShapeDtype instance (if this layer takes one input) or a list/tuple of ShapeDtype instances.
trax.models.research.bert.BERT(d_model=768, vocab_size=30522, max_len=512, type_vocab_size=2, n_heads=12, d_ff=3072, n_layers=12, head=None, init_checkpoint=None, mode='eval')

BERT (default hparams are for bert-base-uncased).

class trax.models.research.bert.PretrainedBERT(*sublayers, init_checkpoint=None)

Bases: trax.layers.combinators.Serial

Wrapper that always initializes weights from a pre-trained checkpoint.

__init__(*sublayers, init_checkpoint=None)

Creates a partially initialized, unconnected layer instance.

  • n_in – Number of inputs expected by this layer.
  • n_out – Number of outputs promised by this layer.
  • name – Class-like name for this layer; for use when printing this layer.
  • sublayers_to_print – Sublayers to display when printing out this layer; if None (the default), display all sublayers.
classmethod download_model(model_name)

Returns model dir path with model filename.


Initializes weights and state for inputs with the given signature.
